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Uptime Overlord v.1.0 Do you have a website? Is it up and running right now? Are you sure? Uptime Overlord is a free web server monitor for Mac OS X.Retic EAI Server v.32 Retic is a free EAI Server written in Jython (Java).It permits to execute adaptors composed of sources, pipes (transformations) and sinks.Connectivity with : JMS,HTTP,SOAP,UDDI,FTP,Xindice,JDBC,Jabber,SMTP.XML Support : XSLT, Xpath.Has GUI.FreeFS is intended to serve as a free, fast, intuitive, and comprehensive geographic vector data translator for geographic 'web service'. Free Feature Server v.1.0 FreeFS is an implementation of the OpenGIS Consortium's Web Feature Server v0.0.14 (WFS) specification.